Showing category "ties" (Show all posts)

Silk Scarves: The Ultimate Corporate Fashion Accessory

Posted by Jamesmortonties Uk on Friday, October 28, 2011, In : ties 
When you think of accessories for your corporate suits or uniforms, scarves will most likely NOT show up on your list. Why? Because you may be stuck in the old notion that ladies scarves are just  garments meant to warm you up during the cold winter days or for old ladies who do not want their hair to be blown with the wind.

While this is basically true, scarves are more than just an old lady's accessory. They have been used as early as the ancient times as military garb, political icon or as...
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Add A Dash of Elegance to Your Corporate Suits With Silk Scarves

Posted by Jamesmortonties Uk on Friday, October 28, 2011, In : ties 
Dressing for the workplace requires a delicate fashion sense. You want to portray a smart, professional woman but, at the same time, you do not want to be lost in the sea of grey, navy blue, black or beige corporate suits. You also want to express your individuality without going over the top.

Career experts often recommend professionals to shun away from heavily-patterned or brightly coloured clothing when going to work as these can draw too much attention. They often advise to go for plain g...
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What Do Your Tie Colours Say About You?

Posted by Jamesmortonties Uk on Monday, July 25, 2011, In : ties 

Did you know that the colour you incorporate into your club ties or regimental ties have a say on what your organisation really is? Yes, that is right. Wherever you go, colour makes a huge factor on how a business or firm is perceived by their customers. That is why when selecting custom ties for your club, you must make sure to select the right colour to successfully achieve the appeal you want to portray.

To help you make a more informed decision, here are the most commonly used colour...

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What Custom Ties Should I Buy?

Posted by Jamesmortonties Uk on Friday, July 22, 2011, In : ties 

Custom ties are wonderful apparel that enhances an individual’s over-all appearance when worn, though smaller compared to other pieces of garments. More than that, custom ties reflect an organisation’s identity, tradition and the values it stands for. That is why their importance cannot be minimised.

So, if you are looking for custom ties that can proudly bear your organisation’s name wherever you and your fellow members go, consider first, these following criteria:

  • Fabric


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Qualities Worth Looking for in Club Ties

Posted by Jamesmortonties Uk on Friday, July 22, 2011, In : ties 

When you are looking for bespoke club ties that will proudly reflect the identity, tradition and values of your club, it would be wise to first take a look at what comprises a quality club tie.

First, club ties for your club should be made from silk fabric. Club ties woven from silk project a superior look due to the fine thread of the silk fabric. Plus, the details of silk club ties are finely woven that makes them a truly treasure apparel to wear wherever you and your fellow members ...

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Why Schools are Switching to Clip On Ties?

Posted by Jamesmortonties Uk on Friday, July 22, 2011, In : ties 

UK schools have been switching to clip on ties as the preferred school tie. What is driving this trend?

Just take a look at the following reasons:

  •     Clip on ties promote safety.

Since they are fastened on the uniform with a Velcro or other clip-on fastener, clip on ties can prevent pupils from being strangled should they get caught in school apparatus, caught while running or should the school tie catch fire in science lessons!

  •     Clip on ties create a more standardized appearance.


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James Morton Ties Manufactures Superb Clip on Ties and Custom Ties

Posted by Jamesmortonties Uk on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, In : ties 

James Morton Ties is considered to be the leading manufacturer in the United Kingdom of custom ties, club ties, clip on ties and accessories. We have been supplying companies, sports clubs, military regiments, schools, Masonic lodges, and many other satisfied customers for over 30 years.

All our ties and accessories meet uncompromising standards for quality assurance and excellence in the tradition of British ties. James Morton demonstrates that quality and aesthetics can go hand-in-hand in ma...

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How Customised Neckties are Being Used in UK

Posted by Jamesmortonties Uk on Wednesday, April 6, 2011, In : ties 
Customised neckties have never been in such high demand. More companies and organizations are using custom ties to provide its staff and members with a clear affiliation and one which complements uniforms or a tailored look.

James Morton Ltd
, UK's leading maker and supplier of quality made neckties and accessories, is able to manufacture completely bespoke and unique custom ties for any occasion or company.

James Morton custom ties can be proudly worn in any social or formal gathering sinc...

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